My daughter was doing her physics homework last night when I came home, textbooks open on the kitchen counter while she made herself some spaghetti. It's a challenging course but I encourage her to keep at it, because, I often say, physics does have application in the real world.* Or so I was reiterating when I leaned over her textbook and asked, What's with all the ducks? For all the problems were illustrated with ducks busy measuring and examining this and that - in fact, I saw as I looked closer, many of the actual problems involved the relative speed and angle of ducks in such situations as being viewed looking up through a pool of water or accepted in pairs as a gift from one's grandmother. Was I wrong? Was physics not like the real world, but more...
like ducks! I thought, pleased to have the opportunity to employ this valuable phrase. Perhaps - in any case,
here is a site where you can pose your most pressing physics questions.
(Image: caving.uk.Ducks.)
*Like I'd know, incidentally. My daughter is too polite to point this out.