Well, that's the last time I get flippant about the weather. Hurricane Igor was a bit much, I must say. And lots of people still in dire straits, which is awful. And the army called in. Here's hoping everyone gets clear of this soon.
On the NQ front, we're starting to make some travel plans. First stop, the NLCDA Christmas Craft Fair in Corner Brook (Nov. 26-28). We missed out on this last year, because of the HINI pandemic (remember the HINI pandemic?), but we're on track for 2010 and we'll have our gorgeous subscription prize, Jean Claude Roy's Grand Bruit, on display. We're hoping to bring the painting to a couple more cities before the contest closes. When we have definite plans we'll be letting you know, right here.
And it's a month and a bit until our next copy deadline. Time to start building the new issue. Theme: The 1970s. This is going to be fun.
(Image: www.todayscampus.com.)