Marble Mountain is a beautiful site for a Craft Fair, as glass blowers and cranberry loaf bakers and fashion designers took over the three floors of the lodge, set out their arrays within the wood-framed, blue-draped areas, and worked the Craft Fair crowds for the past weekend. The NQ was present (and many thanks to Boulder Publications for the lifts from Corner Brook and back!). And, did you know that there is a whole world of ideas behind craft booth display? 'Cause I sure didn't, showing up with one string of Christmas lights, two boxes of magazines, no extension cords, no tablecloths, and in short no clue as to how to pull things together. But, no fear, Craftspeople being so, well, crafty I suppose, and also completely kind, they found extras of this and spares of that and rearranged their own lighting to brighten my space, so in jig time I had a reasonable-looking display. But, lesson learned. Thumbtacks, spotlights and a dish of pretty, foil-wrapped candies truly help make that Craft Fair "go".
(Image: rhs.org.uk.)