About five weeks until our copy deadline (March 7) and we've two great pieces already edited and filed and a batch more at various creative stages, from scrawl-on-a-post-it-inspiration to just-need-byline-info-and-we're-done. We've even sighted one potential cover image...with a couple of other possibilities floating around...the NQ will look gorgeous, for sure. Outside our magazine offices I can see the fresh white snow, the bare trees calm in the windless afternoon, the students walking with their hoods down, 'cause it's so mild. A bit of sunshine turning the Phys Ed facade into a warm buff tone. And, as people were saying at the gym yesterday evening, sure, for all that, it's been a halfway easy winter, and there's barely four months to go, five tops.
(Image: Jeanette Jobson, illustratedlife.blogspot.com.)