Ruth Lawrence has a new play in progress - it is about bulimia, and it is a musical. Sunday afternoon there was a public reading at Rabbittown Theatre, with principal actors Susan Kent and Amy House. Play readings are wonderful events, both low-key and engaging. There's no pretence at staging and yet it is a theatre production of its own kind. This was a particular treat, as the language of the piece was so well handled, deft and whimsical at the same time, and both underscoring and counterposing the writing's serious theme. Lawrence asked for feedback and got some articulate responses from the audience. What's the best way to present such material to high schoolers? (Don't lie). How to reinforce the danger of eating disorders? (Don't tell them they're going to die. High school students are always being told they're going to die! And - see above - be honest.) All hands agreed Lawrence has a great project well underway.
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