Nothing beats walking to work on a summer morning. Nothing feels so fresh, so full of promise, so potent with - hey! we're walking here!
My route to the office takes me through three busy intersections. Of course I set a good example in pedestrian etiquette by a) crossing at the crosswalk and b) waiting for the walk sign. But many drivers seem to forget that an intersection can involve a convergence of people, not just cars. They look to the left to see if there is any oncoming traffic, but not to the right to see if there is anyone, or even any penguins, on the zebra crossing. It's quite unnerving. And a bit discourteous. After all, I do my bit for civic roadside safety (I never learned how to drive, and believe me, this is a definite gift to the people of this city).
(Image: lifeinthefastlane.ca.)
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