One thing about having children, it makes you note the passage of time. When I walk to work I pass through all the parents escorting their kids to Bishop Feild school, just around the corner from our house. It wasn't so long ago that I, too, was a Bishop Feild parent, an experience I enjoyed so much that I completely understood a friend's decision to have a third child partly so she could keep on being a Bishop Feild parent that much longer. But the thing is, although it feels like it wasn't that long ago that my daughter went there...actually it kinda was. More than four years. I'm a Holy Heart parent now, an entirely different experience. I've shifted from intensive volunteering (two mornings in the library, theatre sports with the Grade 5s, organizing the Bishop Feild Talent Show - and, believe me, when you can organize the Bishop Feild Talent Show, you can organize anything) to being not even completely sure who my daughter's homeroom teacher is. (They have homeroom in high school, right?) Some old habits die hard though. I still have a terrible tendency to speak for my daughter, though she's standing right beside me and fully capable of expressing any thoughts she might like to air. It's like I'm her attorney: I'm sorry, my daughter does not wish to comment on the strawberry-banana yogurt at this time. She may issue a statement on the peach cups later.
Please note: we're at the NLCDA Craft Fair from tomorrow until Sunday - love to chat with any NQ readers who happen by! But I'll miss a blog or two...catch up with you soon.
(Image: photobucket.com.)
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