A couple of years ago, I staged a one-actor play, Your Only Life, at the Halifax Fringe Festival. It was September, and downtown was filled with students from Dal and St. Mary's. I rented a room from a well known Nova Scotian actress (so cool Daniel McIvor wrote a role for her), found my way to the YWCA downtown (being a gym rat who gets nervous when she can't locate the nearest available elliptical machine), and, oh yeah, figured out where the theatre space was. As I walked up the stairs that first night, I was very lucky to meet two guys from New Zealand who were touring their improv show. There is no better way to get through the Halifax Fringe Festival than with a couple of New Zealanders - or to navigate many other situations, I imagine. Plus they'd actually heard of Newfoundland (because of Captain Cook). I was reminded of them yesterday at a Philosophy/Language lecture yesterday. Now these sessions are usually hermeneutics this and Heidigger that, blah blah, but yesterday there was also talk of something called Flight of the Conchords, and I must say they sound hilarious.
(Image: FlightoftheConchordsAlbum.jpg.)
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