The proper Christmas spirit today seems to require a good shot of Christmas List Frenzy (as Ray Guy instructed in one of his columns, "Buy it! We'll find out what it is when we get home.") But there is an alternative to razing superstores for the latest geegaws and whatnots. A friend told me a couple of years ago she was taking a stand against buying 'stuff' - she would no longer give anyone anything they couldn't eat or use. In this vein, lots of people like to make their gifts. (Yes, Neil, if you're reading this, please, please make sure I'm on the list for "Christmas crackles.") I often make truffles, somehow losing the recipe from one year to the next, but here's a simple one I found. When it comes to making truffles, it truly is really hard to go astray.
(Image: ehow.com.)
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