An informal quiz at our launch party last Thursday produced the following suggestions for our 1970s theme: MUN Extension, Decks Awash, The Boatmen Series, CODCO, and, my personal favourite cultural hit of the time, the superb (and underrated) The Rowdyman.
Maybe we'll cast a wider net, and talk about The Me Decade (check out Tom Wolfe's article, from 1976, from whence the phrase), op art, Fleetwood Mac. The advent of the blockbuster film. The groundbreaking TV series a la All In The Family. (And H. R. Pufnstuf!) The sideburns and platforms.
In the meantime, we note that a folklorist who just happens to be a font of 1970s idea, Mekaela Mahoney, is giving a talk at The Rooms this Wednesday, 7pm: Coastal Women of Newfoundland and Labrador. (And I mentioned that Edvard Munch's Madonna is on display there, I think? Until Nov. 18.)
(Image: affordablehousinginstitute.org.)
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