Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Counting down the season

Here we are in that final lap of the year, that calendar curve between Christmas and New Year's; I hope one well stocked with treats, visits and parties. We're checking our email and phone, in and out of the NQ office, but mostly, it is true, out, with places to go and people to see and chocolate oranges to savour. And maybe some recharging time to find. This last is hard to do, I know, when you are very used to working. Every day. Until 6. Or 7. Or - well, no time like the present to turn over a new leaf, or fold yourself up in a duvet and lie on the sofa, at least for a day or two. I know I'm relaxing when I do something I never do - watch TV during the daytime. You wouldn't want to be at it all the time, I guess, but a few days of Much More Music's Top 100 Videos (catch this from UNKLE) and the original British version of Life on Mars can be most restorative. Help you plan that New Year's Eve party menu, design one or two thrilling resolutions, and get 2011 off on the right foot.

(Image: vintage card,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Walking In The Air

Music is a vital ingredient to the season, and everyone has their favourites. Personally, I've managed to get through three entire Craft Fairs with my fondness for White Christmas intact. Here's another piece of music that is really special, in fact exquisite; I think I link to The Snowman around this time every year, but why break with tradition?


Monday, December 13, 2010

Even Santa needs a little help this time of year, and the NQ is happy to step up

So we made another stop on our circuit of Craft Fairs: the Anna Templeton Centre. This arguably has the nicest atmosphere of all these events, a neighbourly kind of bustle accompanied by a communal playlist of seasonal tunes. On Saturday, Andy Jones insisted on giving me an afternoon break (kind of like having Harvey Keitel take your booth over for a while - Jones, by the way, is bringing his Queen of Paradise's Garden to the LSPU Hall later in December, and I'm definitely catching it New Year's Eve). I used the time to score a couple of gorgeous ornaments, including some from Erin McArthur. And what perfect weather to be Christmas-shopping, or even just Christmas-minded; a little snow, crisp air, those edging-towards-solstice sunsets. Meanwhile, back at NQ headquaters, we're still all about those Christmas subs, so keep 'em coming.


Monday, December 6, 2010

All Heart Smiling Land

What is it with The Ode to Newfoundland? from our former Premier on down, just a few lyrics are all it takes to have us choked up - it's worse than Sonny's Dream, for Pete's sake. And, believe me, I hold no pretence of superiority here - one whiff of those pine clad hills, and I'm gone. And it doesn't matter how long you've lived away from home - this is always home - those notes still resonate. Even, say, in Toronto, at the Masonic Music Hall, Yonge Street, Saturday Night. Arctic cold outside, hundreds of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and one Great Big Sea inside. It was The Smiling Land (those words again!) Foundation's Rockin' Big Give, which the NQ was happy to play a small role in. So far from those sunrays, just around the corner from Bloor, but, we love thee Newfoundland.
