With the Spring issue due from the printers this Friday, we're gearing up for the mailout. We used to handle this all ourselves, arranging
NQs in the bins, stacking them on a trolley (hugely noisy mode of transportation by the way, we might as well have strolled the corridors playing the accordion), and bringing them down to the mailroom. But the volume has outgrown the strength of our two-person office. A couple of issues ago, as we maneuvered the towering rickety bulk into the elevator, I thought, "You know, this is an accident waiting to happen. This is what people mean when they say: That's an accident waiting to happen." So, now the movers come and do this for us.
And, of course, we're making arrangement for our prize draw. More on that next week...
(image: worldgallery.co.uk.)